Neutering – When should I get my pet neutered?

We recommended neutering both male and female cats from 5-6 months of age.

We recommended neutering both male and female cats from 5-6 months of age. Female cats who are not neutered will inevitably become pregnant (assuming they go outdoors!) and potentially produce unwanted kittens. Male cats who are left un-neutered are statistically more likely to roam, get into fights and get run over. 

If you are not planning to breed, we advise female dogs are neutered. In small breeds this can be done from 6 months of age (this is almost always before their first season) or three months after their first season. In larger breeds, we recommend spaying three months after the first season. In either case, this confers almost 100% protection against the development of mammary tumours later in life, as well as preventing potentially fatal womb infections. Male dogs should be considered on a case by case basis – we do not recommend blanket neutering or performing the procedure before 12 months of age. If you are thinking of having your dog castrated, please speak to the vet for more specific advice. 

Routine neutering of rabbits is recommended. We can normally do this from 4 months of age.